Experience the magic of the season with Late Night Christmas Worship 101, a collaborative event by the Church of Ireland and ...
This December, Pop into the Belfast Chaplaincy Lounge and hang a bauble for peace on our Christmas Peace Tree. While you ...
MSAT-Ulster will be used as part of the selection method for the six Allied Health Professional (AHP) courses listed below.
T4Anxiety aims to support the implementation of innovative solutions through start-ups with the objective of reducing the anxiety of patients suffering from mental disorders.
CINE is a collaborative digital heritage project between 9 partners and 10 associated partners from Norway, Iceland, Ireland, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
Future Screens NI comprises the two higher education institutions (Ulster University and QUB) and a number of key industrial partners central to the creative economy in the region.
The goal of this project was to computationally model multisensory decision inspired by neuroscience. The goal of this project was to computationally model multisensory decision inspired by ...
Smart sENsor Devices fOr rehabilitation and Connected health (SENDoc) project will introduce the use of wearable sensor systems in ageing communities in northern remote areas.
The goal of the project was to use machine learning on neuroimaging data to detect Alzheimer’s disease, and data analytics to identify variability of lab tests across Northern Ireland.
There has been an upsurge in use of technology solutions across the NPA, solutions that have been attempting to reduce effects of COVID-19.
The goal of this project was to develop computational decision support tool to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease. The goal of this project was to develop computational decision support tool to diagnose ...
The Centre for Personalised Medicine was established in April 2017 following an award of €8.6 million from the EU’s INTERREG VA Programme and managed by the Special EU Programmes Body.