Binghamton City Council said this will make rental housing safer and ensure landlords take care of their properties.
Iowa City thrives on community engagement, thoughtful leadership, and a commitment to progress. Our city needs leaders who ...
Text messages released to ABC News through a public records request provide new insight about what local officials were ...
Crocker Park officials recently announced 11 new tenants will be coming to the popular outdoor shopping and dining ...
In front of a crowd of hundreds of union members, former Governor Andrew Cuomo officially mounted his political comeback in his first public campaign stop.
Hastings City Council met at Hastings Public Library for a work session. They addressed a variety of topics, at the top of the list was city needs.
The Minneapolis City Council signed off on $800,000 in funding for violence intervention contracts with small grassroot groups and organizations despite questions about management, administration, and ...
The cop identified himself and ordered the suspect to drop his knife. When the armed maniac didn't comply, the officer shot ...
Connecting for Kids is offering a Resource Fair filled with mental health, academic and disability providers from 6 to 8 p.m. March 18 at Lorain County Community College (LCCC) Spitzer Conference ...
Servtex Quarry is one of a few quarrys in Garden Ridge has residents coming to places like city council to complain about ...