በአማራ ክልል 15 ሺህ ንጹሀን ለሞት፣ ለአካል ጉዳትና አስገድዶ መድፈር መጋለጣቸውን የአማራ ክልል ከፍተኛ ትምህርት ተቋማት ፎረም ይፋ አድርጓል። በክልሉ ከሰሜኑ ጦርነት ጀምሮ በቀጠሉ ግጭት እና ...
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the leaders of Somalia and Ethiopia had reached a deal to end a nearly year-old ...
New Peacebuilding Project which seeks to rebuild trust and promote dialogue in Tigray, Amhara and Benishangul Gumuz regions was launched today by World Vision Ethiopia in partnership with the European ...