The protests come as part of a larger coordinated national protest that was seen on Saturday over the firing of National Parks employees. The efforts to get rid of the jobs come from Elon Musk's ...
The Supreme Court will rule that President Donald Trump has the power to fire independent federal agency heads.
President Donald Trump is attempting to revive the president’s constitutional authority to refuse to spend funds in discrete ...
The Supreme Court ultimately rebuked the Biden administration ... resulting in part from a conservative majority’s departure from Chief Justice William Howard Taft’s relatively tolerant ...
A federal judge instructed the lawyers before her to walk through the history of the National Labor Relations Board and the ...
The Trump administration wants a judicial showdown over independent agencies. The history is muddled—and the consequences ...
The Supreme Court agreed as long ago as Myers v. United States in 1926 (authored by former President Chief Justice William Howard Taft) and as recently as Seila Law v. CFPB in 2020 (authored by ...
In 2018, China's legislature nearly unanimously endorsed a change to the Constitution formally removing term limits to enable ...