As long as terrorist groups exploit illicit trade networks, the risk of their expansion into North Africa and Europe remains ...
An ambitious and bold project looks to help desertification in Africa and to combat African nations from being swallowed up ...
This battle can be won’: desert expert reveals how China’s technology, funding and strategies aid ambitious environmental project.
The Great Green Wall in the Sahel, a mosaic of forests, farmlands and grasslands dotting the arid fringes of Sahara, was ...
Rightward shift of the French political class and persistence of ‘colonial unconscious’ are contributing to mounting tensions ...
A new report describes the Sahel region of Africa, a million mile band that runs through Mauritania to Sudan, as "the epicenter of global terrorism." We examine those findings.
Jassim Al Budaiwi, The Secretary General of GCC renewed the council’s support for sovereignty over its southern provinces in ...
Russian mercenaries from the Wagner group launched a raid in Mali's Wela village targeting a woman suspected of aiding ...
Morocco and France signed a joint declaration Monday to strengthen their judicial and legal cooperation, focusing on ...