There will be more pensioners than schoolchildren in Northern Ireland by 2030, new official projections suggest. Figures from ...
Liverpool is often dubbed the 'second capital of Ireland' because of its large Irish émigré population and of course the long ...
Short-term approaches to dealing with budget pressures in the health system in Northern Ireland could result in "significant ...
Irish League goalkeeper Aaron Hogg has bravely opened up on a gambling addiction which he says was “like a disease” in the ...
Massachusetts has a lot of Irish Americans, but it's not the most Irish state. Here's how many Irish people live here.
Over at the BBC, John Campbell does his best to depress us on this fine spring day: New figures from the NI Statistics and ...
The ARINS (Analysing and Researching Ireland, North and South) project recently held its first event in Belfast, focusing on ...
Also includes data on nights, purpose, region of UK visited and mode of travel. Breakdowns by nationality and area of residence are covered. The Quarter 4 (Oct to Dec) versions of this dataset are on ...