FINNEAS, the stage name of Finneas O'Connell, collaborator and brother of Billie eilish ... (There will also be an afterparty with sets from Barefoot Bluegrass and Potluck String Band at the Midway ...
On his biggest global headlining tour to date, he has finally secured his marquee status, no longer just the Oz behind sister Billie Eilish's yellow brick road to stardom, but the now technicolor star ...
A viral AI-generated TikTok from a Billie Eilish fan account prompted Eilish's brother, Finneas O'Connell, to call out its environmental impact. The TikTok, posted by @g4yforbilliee, invites viewers ...
On Thursday night, singer-songwriter Finneas O'Connell brought out a rockin' special guest at his tour kick-off show in Nashville. The "For Cryin' Out Loud!" singer, music producer and brother to ...
Finneas O’Connell and influencer Claudia Sulewski met through an app in 2018 and have been together ever since. Meanwhile, Claudia, a YouTuber-turned-actress, has carved out her own lane in ...
The 27-year-old singer, songwriter, producer, and actor born Finneas O’Connell has already achieved wild success as a 10-time Grammy award winner. Those accomplishments were linked to his work ...
But despite this rapid clip of accomplishments, the 27-year-old artist born Finneas O’Connell doesn’t think working constantly is a “sexy way to live.” Most of the time, at least.
Billie Eilish and Finneas O'Connell were the latest to earn a seat at the table of gifted siblings recognized by the Academy Lydia Price is a former platforms editor at PEOPLE. She left PEOPLE in ...
While AI-generated content continues to evolve, artists like Billie Eilish and Finneas O’Connell are using their platforms to remind fans of the bigger picture, one that extends beyond viral ...
Late 2000s pop-punk lovers were in for a treat of a lifetime when singer-songwriter Finneas O’Connell (famed producer and co-writer to his younger sister, Billie Eilish) brought out Hayley ...