Spanish media dedicated significant coverage to the sudden earthquake that struck northern Morocco late Monday night, with a ...
A strong, 6.0-magnitude earthquake struck in Ethiopia on Friday, according to the United States Geological Survey. The temblor happened at 11:28 p.m. East Africa time about 4 miles northeast of ...
By Emily Burnham, Bangor Daily News Staff Though Maine is quiet seismologically compared with hotspots like California, ...
Richter was the strongest tremor on Monday night - Karastathis: We insist that it is a cluster - Tselentis: Continue to be ...
The Japan Meteorological Agency has a unique seismic scale ... movement in level 1. Zero intensity is detected by seismometers but not perceptible to people. The Great East Japan Earthquake ...
D.C. Its magnitude was given as 2.8 on the earthquake monitoring scale — weak but apparently strong enough to be felt by several people as far away as the Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington.
Magnitude measures the energy released at the source of the earthquake, the U.S. Geological Survey says. It replaces the old Richter scale. Quakes between 2.5 and 5.4 magnitude are often felt but ...