The coat of arms for Porreres, which dates back to 1370 ... "In Meghan’s case, the similarities to the formal crest of Porreres are not based on a generic ‘90s-era, clipart overlap; the ...
Photoshop CC 2014 tutorial showing how to design and create a powerful, engraved metallic, medieval coat of arms logo. Ancient metal crest PSD: <a href=" Abaddon II Regular font (Note: Chrome & ...
Amelia, Marchioness of Carmarthen, was a bolter. In 1778, she scandalised London society by leaving her husband Francis ...
Yuri_Arcurs/istockphotoWhile those who have new money often show tacky displays wealth (ahem, Gucci belts), the signs that ...
It would turn out to be a new Canadian Red Ensign with the coat of arms replaced by a single, large, gold maple leaf. Recall that similar designs had been mooted as far back as the 1890s. In this case ...
Meghan Markle's As Ever logo includes a tribute to Prince Harry. Inside the symbolism and what the Duchess of Sussex has said about her new brand.
A politician in Spain is reportedly considering suing Meghan Markle for seemingly plagiarizing one of the country’s coats of arms for her new brand As Ever’s logo. Xisca Mora, who is the mayor ...
The Heartcrest is a charming and thoughtfully designed home that welcomes family and friends with open arms — quite literally ...
Civic bosses in the sleepy Mallorca village of Porreres are reportedly considering legal action against the Duchess of Sussex, 43, after accusing her of copying its traditional coat of arms for ...
Samir Hussein/WireImage; As Ever Meghan Markle's crest for her lifestyle brand As ... similarities between As Ever’s design and the coat of arms of Porreres, a village in Mallorca, which also ...