Consultancy EY (Ernst & Young) was awarded the contract for legal and financial studies for the reconversion of the port of Kenitra on March 22. Its task will be to find a new use for the city centre ...
Italy's ambassador to Mozambique since 1989, Manfredo Incisa Di Camerana, will leave his post about the end of the year (anyway after Mozambique's general elections at the end of October) and will ...
With Sophie Ranaivo, the younger daughter of head of state Didier Ratsiraka, Justin Randrianasolo is one of the two administrators representing the largest shareholders of Banque de la Solidarité ...
Initially scheduled for 24 and 25 April, the Forum Invest in Senegal event is in danger of being postponed until November for ...
Hydraulics specialist Envex is to rehabilitate the Les Dunes and Bousfer sea water desalination plants in Oran, two of the seven sited in the wilaya. The Oran water resources department awarded it the ...
Marc Deballon is to step down as the head of the economic service of the French embassy in Libya in mid-February. Guilhem Roger, his deputy, will fill in for him until his permanent replacement is ...
Tunisia's finance minister, Taoufik Baccar, has been complaining in public that his powers are limited, and in particular in the banking industry. The heads of Tunisia's banks report only to the ...