It was a busy day in the courts today with multiple political cases going to the Court of Appeal. First, a case management ...
We often report on Belizeans excelling in competitions abroad, from athletics to robotics, but in cigar smoking!? Well, that's a new one, but Belize made its mark in Cuba on the international stage at ...
The 5 bodies were found in the community of Sacxan on the Rio Hondo. This village is close to Ramonal in Belize where the drugs and contraband moves between Belize and Mexico. They were bound with ...
He was charged for causing death by careless conduct, after his boat fatally struck a 17 year old tourist Logan Pratt who was swimming in an unmarked zone. Two years later, a jury of 9 found 31 year ...
On Friday we told you that a journalist, PlusTV's Ljay Wade was assaulted by police officers while conducting his duties near ...
4 men have been detained for robbing a Western Diaries truck that was heading towards the Burrell Boom/Hattieville Road this afternoon at 3:30. The group created a diversion and stopped the driver to ...
Over the weekend, Kieran Gonzalez, a resident of Benque Viejo, took to Facebook to complain that cops killed his pitbull and took its body from the home. LAter in the day, the officers returned with 3 ...
Bernard Wagner, Mayor, Belize City "My reaction was, hey, I have to hear his side of the story. I don't like, look at what, you know, all those videos go. If you look at it, at first instance, you ...
Bernard Wagner, Mayor, Belize City "I don't vote, right. But certainly Mr. Miller Elude has done tremendous work and he's well respected in the council, he's respected on the job, he's respected in ...
And while those men were found across the northern border, near the southern border, a suspect drug jet landed early this morning. By the time the cops made it over the rugged terrain, the aircraft ...
But this weekend, that fight involved city councillor Evan Thompson. According to a release from Thompson, he was attacked and acted in self-defense. He explained that witnesses and law enforcement ...
A Canadian Podiatrist is in Belize, providing training to community healthcare workers on how they can identify red flags in diabetic patients based on their foot health.