The fragment, found in the estate of textile archaeologist Schlabow, is set to be returned to France this year.
A fragment of the infamous Bayeux tapestry, which depicts the invasion of England by the Normans, has been discovered in the Schleswig-Holstein State archive.
AMSTERDAM (JTA) — Germany has handed over to the Netherlands ... Most of the beneficiaries are SS veterans or their relatives, the NOS broadcaster reported last week. Dozens of Dutchmen served ...
While perhaps 1,000 camp personnel faced trials in other countries, a now-united Germany has convicted fewer than 50 of the estimated 6,000 to 7,000 SS who served at Auschwitz and survived the war ...
BERLIN (JTA) — The head of Germany’s Jewish umbrella organization is calling on Germany to review – and possibly cancel – pension payments to former SS members who were injured during ...
Spitzy: I personally was in the SS -- [the] racial, Nordic, selected people, and we shall be the future aristocratic spine bone of the German Nation. Well I thought wonderful. No? And I felt ...