Louisiana’s top public health physician is described in multiple state communications as a family medicine physician, but he ...
That call comes two weeks after Louisiana Department of Health Surgeon General Ralph Lee Abraham approved an order ...
Louisiana health officials are monitoring measles cases were reported in neighboring states, but so far, no cases have been ...
After directing staff at the Louisiana Department of Health to halt all mass vaccination programs, Louisiana Surgeon General ...
Retreating from longstanding, common-sense measures to keep Louisianans safe from disease and protect public health is a bad ...
Louisiana's top leaders are sending mixed signals about vaccines just as the nation's flu numbers are hitting historic highs.
Measles may be a very rare disease today, but it is highly contagious and can be potentially deadly. And Senator Bill Cassidy ...
Last week, Louisiana state Surgeon General Dr. Ralph Abraham directed the state health department to "no longer promote mass vaccination" through events like health fairs and media campaigns.
Louisiana Surgeon General Ralph Abraham said the best protection against the measles is the vaccine as the outbreak expands in neighboring Texas.
Days after Louisiana’s top health official ordered to an end to mass vaccination efforts and promotions in the state, ...