On this day in 1936, Nazi Germany's Reichstag (one-party parliament) passed a law giving the Gestapo absolute authority to ...
A literary sequel worth its salt should satisfy two types of readers: those who read the first installment and those who didn’t. Joseph O’Connor’s new novel is one such book. The Dublin-born writer ...
Dass es im System der NS-Zwangsarbeit Bordelle gab, ist nur in Fachkreisen bekannt. Warum wurde Sex-Zwangsarbeit bis heute ...
In addition to Hitler, the entire Nazi leadership, the scientists who designed so many weapons, even in a very short range of ...
I cannot imagine a more symbolic form of justice... than turning what was once a breeding ground for evil into a space that ...
Die Politikwissenschaftlerin und Autorin Katrin Himmler hat am Matthias-Claudius-Gymnasium Gehrden (MCG) über die Entwicklung ...
This column was submitted by Evangeline Cessna, local history librarian at the Warren County-Vicksburg Public Library. This ...
Die Ausstellung „Missing Female Stories“ in Schöneweide thematisiert die kaum erforschte Geschichte der Zwangsarbeit in ...