The massive scope of inhumanity by an authoritarian government should concern us all. The deceitful sign entering Auschwitz, “Arbeit Macht Frei” (“Work sets you free”), clashes with the constant ...
Representatives of the Holocaust Center in Maitland say a visit to Europe shows plans for a new Orlando museum are on the ...
The barracks lie side by side. The boilers are silent. Smoke that  billowed out from the chimneys ceased some 80 years ago.
For the 7,000 prisoners remaining—more than 60,000 had been forced to undertake a death march in the weeks before Allied ...
Birkenau, Fredy was once a beautiful young athlete destined for the Olympics - here, novelist Wendy Holden reflects on his ...
The Bright Hall, within Rochdale Town Hall, was the venue for this year’s annual Holocaust memorial commemoration on the 80th ...
The Washington, D.C., Evening Star reported Monday, Jan. 1, 1940, that “merry crowds” had gathered in the nation’s capital to ...
OSWIECIM, Poland (AP) — A U.S.-based organization is transforming the house of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss into a research center devoted to fighting extremism, and is introducing it to ...
One of Perth’s oldest buildings, the iconic Barracks Arch is affectionately known to some locals as the city’s very own Arc de triomphe. In the western end of St Georges Terrace in Perth, Western ...
Scores of unexploded bombs dating from World War II have been discovered underneath a children’s playground in northern ...
But it isn't just military housing. Barracks, which typically house unmarried junior enlisted, have also been plagued with unsanitary conditions for years. Soldiers are often tasked to maintain ...
The teenager replied guilty to the count of attempted murder at Dún Uí Mhaoilíosa, Renmore Barracks in Galway on August 15th, ...